Get a basic understanding of Prodio Workflows so you can setup your projects and start using Prodio Workflows effectively.
Basic Concepts
An organization groups together all the projects and users in your company. It’s the top-level entity in Prodio Workflows. Here you manage your billing, users, and projects. As a user, you can be a member of multiple organizations and can switch between these organizations using a dropdown in the top right-hand corner of the application. When you are logging into Prodio Workflows you are logging into your personal account.
An organization can have multiple projects. Projects typically represent a single application or a set of related applications. Each project has its own set of Prodio Workflows, analytics, and settings. Prodio Workflows are always installed on per Project basis and all users can (theoretically) see all Prodio Workflows in the project.
Prodio Workflows
The most basic concept in Prodio Workflows is the flow. A flow is a sequence of steps that a user can take to complete a task. Prodio Workflows are created using the Prodio Workflows Cloud editor and can be started on a project’s domain. Alternatively, you can define Prodio Workflows inside your codebase using the Prodio Workflows SDK.
Flow Step
Flow steps are the building blocks of a flow. They are the individual steps a user can take when interacting with your flow. There are multiple types of flow steps, such as Tooltip, Modal, Banner, Wait, and Fork. Each flow step has its own set of properties and settings.