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Tags in Prodio

Use Prodio tags to group events under a single website, gather data, and enable various functionalities.

Use Cases

  • A/B Testing: Test different versions of a webpage or campaign to see which performs better.
  • Event Grouping: Group events to allow filtering and Prodio under a single website overview.


To use tags, add the data-tag property to the tracking script. This will include the tag column in the payload.


<script defer src="" data-website-id="94db1cb1-74f4-4a40-ad6c-962362670409" data-tag="homepage-layout-a" ></script>

You can reuse the tracking script for different parts of your website, introducing additional tags:

<script defer src="" data-website-id="94db1cb1-74f4-4a40-ad6c-962362670409" data-tag="homepage-layout-b" ></script>


From the website Overview, you can filter on specific tags to focus on targeted data.

Filtering by Tags

A pageview breakdown can also be seen by clicking More from any of the metric cards.

Pageview Breakdown


For detailed guidance, visit our Help Center or contact our support team.

Last updated on